Considering how often villains fail to enact their plans, it's a wonder why anime villains try in the first place. Even if the heroes struggle, they will always defeat the villains. However, victory for the heroes doesn't always end in punishment for the villains.

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Some villains have committed terrible atrocities against society or their own families. Shou Tucker is famous for what he did to his daughter, and other villains like Vegeta were able to change sides with barely any consequences. Heroes are known for their forgiving nature, but some villains don't deserve the ends they get.

10 Shou Tucker

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood looking menacing.

Shou Tucker is a brilliant scientist who let his need for discovery destroy his morality. Tucker was obsessed with creating a chimera that could speak and to accomplish that, he killed his wife and turned his own daughter and pet dog into a chimera.

In Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Tucker is killed by Scar before he can be charged with his crimes. This may be a decent punishment for some, but Tucker died believing he was right. For what he did to Nina, Tucker needed to suffer way more.

9 Espada


Halibel from Bleach looking down in contempt.

Aizen is punished after Ichigo defeats him during the Arrancar Arc in Bleach, but the rest of the Espada don't face the same punishment. Harribel becomes the leader of Wakomundo—which is a reward, not a punishment.

Since the Espada helped Aizen with his plans to destroy Karakura town, it would make sense for them to face some backlash, especially since they kidnapped and abused Orihime. Like many other heroes, Ichigo was far too forgiving to the Espada. Once Orihime was rescued and Aizen was defeated, punishing the Espada for their actions didn't even occur to him.

8 All For One

My Hero Academia

All For One In My Hero Academia

All For One from My Hero Academia is a diabolical manipulator. He doesn't just ruin people's lives; he enjoys it. He picked Shigaraki as his successor because of his relation to the former user of One For All, Nana and he continued to toy with All Might while in prison. For years, he's gotten away with doing whatever he wants from the shadows, which is why he's so dangerous.

All Might defeated him during the Kamino Ward, but All For One still won. All Might lost his powers during that fight, leaving the world helpless to All For One and his villain army. It's hard to imagine how Midoriya will put an end to All For One when he has proven to be unstoppable.

7 Light Yagami

Death Note

Light Yagami from Death Note panicking.

Light started as a good guy with good intentions. He used the Death Note to kill criminals, but once the power went to his head, he used the Death Note for his own gain. However, Light is never punished for his crimes.

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Once he's discovered to be Kira, Light runs away and is killed by Ryuk. That may be a satisfying ending for the shinigami, but for the police force that worked so hard to catch Kira, it's a shame they never got the chance to put Light behind bars for his actions.

6 Bondrewd

Made In Abyss

Bondrewd in Made in Abyss.

Bondrewd from Made in Abyss is a White Whistle, a class of Cave Raiders that's tasked with discovering all the secrets held within the Abyss. He has free rein to do whatever he wants, and he uses scientific advancement as an excuse to hurt other people.

Bondrewd regularly tortures children by exposing them to the curse of the Abyss, and he even experiments on them in order to design cartridges that nullify the Abyss' effects. Reg may defeat him so he and his friends can escape, but Bondrewd isn't gone for long. The fact that he will never face punishment for the crimes he continues to commit is a hard pill to swallow.

5 Demon King

Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle

Surprised demons from Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle.

Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is a comedy anime so the Demon King's crimes aren't as shocking as some other villains. However, kidnapping a kingdom's princess is still a serious crime that he has gotten away with.

The prince tasked with saving the princess has spectacularly failed so far, leaving Princess Syalis to deal with the lack of accommodations provided by her demon captures. She's been able to handle herself fairly well considering her situation, but her family has been left to suffer in her absence, which the Demon King isn't sorry for in the slightest.

4 Orochimaru


Orochimaru grins in his laboratory in Naruto Shippuden.

Orochimaru is one of the first major villains in Naruto. He's responsible for the destruction of the Leaf Village during the Chunin Exams, and it's because of him that the Third Hokage dies. However, his evil deeds don't stop there.

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It's because of Orochimaru that Sasuke abandons the village, and even when he's not the main focus of the story, he's performing horrible experiments on people. Someone like him deserves a lot of jail time, but Orochimaru doesn't get any. At the end of Naruto Shippuden, he's allowed to roam the village freely, which is pretty wild.

3 Celestial Dragons

One Piece

The Celestial Dragons walking down the street in One Piece

The Celestial Dragons are treated like Gods in One Piece. They are exempt from any laws, giving them licenses to own slaves and murder. A Celestial Dragon fires on Sabo's ship for no reason and Doflamingo commits terrible atrocities because he believes his Celestial Dragon blood gives him the right to do so.

Luffy enacts revenge for Hachi by punching a Celestial Dragon on Sabaody, but most of the time, the Celestial Dragons perform horrific acts of cruelty without any punishment. The Celestial Dragon's atrocities show how terrible the World government is for giving them so much leeway.

2 Shinobu Sensui

Yu Yu Hakusho

Shinobu Sensui of YuYu Hakusho was a Spirit Detective

Shinobu Sensui from Yu Yu Hakusho cared deeply about protecting humans when he was a spirit detective. Unfortunately, he had a black-and-white way of thinking, so he couldn't handle the emotional trauma when he realized people could do terrible things too.

Yusuke's ancestor actually defeats Shinobu, not Yusuke, and Shinobu was terminally ill, which means he would have died regardless of how the fight ended. Since Spirit World opens up the border between the Demon and Human Worlds, Shinobi doesn't just go without punishment; he actually gets his way.

1 Vegeta

Dragon Ball Z

Vegeta looking angry in Dragon Ball Super

Vegeta is a good guy now, but that wasn't always the case. At the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, he worked for Frieza, and he attacked Earth in his name. He changes to the hero's side, but the change is slow.

Vegeta only sides with Goku because he wants to get in on the action, not because he actually cared about protecting people. Considering all the atrocities Vegeta committed he got off pretty clean. He was brought back to life and later scored a successful wife and a couple of wonderful kids. Compared to other villains, Vegeta won.

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