Daedalic Entertainment took a serious risk when it decided to focus a game solely on one of Tolkein's most complex characters. The main series explored the effect that a small being could have on the world compared to legendary and powerful figures, as well as how evil can corrupt anyone. No character in Lord of the Rings shows both of these concepts to the same degree as Smeagol or, as he is better known, Gollum. The developers wanted players to feel a connection to the character, but they explored the wrong period in Gollum's life.

Lord of the Rings: Gollum is an action-adventure game set during Gollum's "escape" from Bara-dur. The game primarily focuses on stealth, as Gollum is not the most physically imposing character, while players try to escape from Mordor and find Baggins. Unfortunately, the game was met with less than stellar reviews due to several bugs, but many praised the inner battle mechanics as well as some of the voice acting. While there was a lot for the game to offer, it did so in a period of the character's life where there was little chance for Gollum to learn or change. However, Gollum has a fascinating history that fans who strictly play the game may not know about.

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Smeagol Finding the Ring Is the Better Start Point

Smeagol leaning over Deagol's shoulder in The Lord of the Rings

One of the hardest parts of making a game that revolves around a character like Gollum is that, for the most part, he doesn't change. Gollum is a slave to the ring by the time he is taken to Bara-dur and his goal will always be its return, so there isn't much to explore story-wise. However, before there was Gollum, there was Smeagol, and that character is one that players have never really had a chance to explore. There are similarities between the characters of course; Gollum is another side of Smeagol, but more than a few differences. Gollum is crafty, cunning, and ruthless whereas Smeagol is meek, lonely, and often eager to please.

If Lord of the Rings: Gollum were to start at the very beginning, players would control the character before he was corrupted. Not only that, they would be able to see the ring slowly take hold as they played and would feel helpless as they watched the more pleasant character slowly become the twisted creature they know from the films. Not only would there be a better insight into the character, but they would also get the chance to explore Smeagol's home and people, something that was only really mentioned in the Lord of the Rings books.

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The Inner Battle and Corrupting Influence of the Ring Could be More Prominent

Smeagol chokes out his new name in The Lord of the Rings

The inner battle mechanic in Lord of the Rings: Gollum essentially allowed players to choose an option from several choices in dialogue and reactions. These options represented the different aspects of the characters' psyche, but they had no real effect on the plot or character. However, setting the game at the beginning of Smeagol's turn would allow for a more in-depth look at how the ring changed him over time. For instance, the simplest way to show this would be to have the options available to Smeagol slowly become more varied and unhinged, indicating a downward spiral.

This would also be a chance for the artistic team to show how the ring slowly corrupted Smeagol's physical form. Fans got a glimpse of this at the beginning of Peter Jackson's Return of the King. The player's choices could affect how quickly the changes overcame the character and how members of Gollum's village responded to him. However, the important thing would be to make sure that the changes happened regardless. Smeagol cannot give up the ring, and this would help push the hopelessness over time.

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The Lore Hints at What the Gameplay Could Have Focused On

The titular character in The Lord of the Rings: Gollum game staring at the viewer

If the developers took this route, they'd need to determine how the game would progress and what the players would be doing. However, the novels give them hints. While discussing the character's history, Gandalf mentioned that the ring allowed him to find secrets that eventually led to him being kicked out of his home. The developers could place more control in the players’ hands. Every decision the player makes could direct Gollum’s movements and actions, potentially leading him to an infamous cave to link up with Bilbo, tying the events of the game to the main Lord of the Rings series and timeline.

Video games have the chance to focus on both the side characters and the world, and can expand upon that in ways movies often can't. However, a game's focus is important. While seeing more of Bara-dur and Mordor is tempting, LotR fans have seen them before. Lord of the Rings: Gollum was ambitious, but it needed to look more at Gollum/Smeagol's unfamiliar, unexplored past to draw players in.