Brian Anderson-Writer

Brian Anderson


About Brian Anderson

If the only categories on Jeopardy were Star Wars, The Simpsons, and slasher films, Brian Anderson would be the all-time champion. Since that is not the case, he has had to find different outlets for his otherwise useless enclyopedic knowledge on the subjcts. He has authored two horror anthologies, Man-Made Monsters and Cryptic Creatures, as well as work with Universal Television Production Studios and Phil Roman Entertainment.

Michael Meyers, Ash Williams, Pennywise 1
10 Horror Remakes That Are Actually Better Than the Original

Like any genre, horror is subject to frequent remakes, such as with classics like The Fly. However, in some cases, it turns out to be the right move.

Spilt image of Dwayne Johnson, John Cena, Vin Diesel 1
10 Great Summer Blockbusters That Bombed

Summer blockbusters usually go hand-in-hand with success, but these movies were box-office flops. From Wyatt Earp to Pixels, some deserved better.

Darth Maul, T-800, Judge Dredd 1
10 Sci-Fi Movie Bombs That Are Actually Pretty Good

Sci-fi has spawned its fair share of theatrical bombs, like Event Horizon and The Thing. However, many of these movies deserve more credit.

Sarah Conner, Jerry O'Connell, RE 1
10 Great Sci-Fi Shows That Ended On Major Cliffhangers

From Resident Evil to Mork & Mindy, some sci-fi TV shows end with major cliffhangers, providing more questions than answers.

Dominic Toretto from Fast and Furious, Darth Vader of Star Wars and the Hogwarts Castle from Harry Potter 1
15 Highest-Grossing Movie Franchises Of All Time

From Star Wars to James Bond, the most successful movie franchises have raked in more profits than any other movie franchise to date.

Norman Bates, Wednesday Addams, Ash Williams 1
10 Best TV Shows Based On Horror Movies

TV shows based on horror movies expand the thrills, chills, and terror of hits like The Exorcist, The Addams Family, and Evil Dead.

House of 1000 Corpses, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, scream 1
10 Best Horror Villains Based On Real Killers

From Buffalo Bill to Ghostface, some of the best horror antagonists take inspiration from real murderers like John Wayne Gacy.

the Nun Pennywise Regan 1
The 10 Highest-Grossing Horror Movies Of All Time

Horror movies rarely, but sometimes, will dominate the box office, offering chills and thrills with broader appeal.

C-3P0, Stormtrooper, and Princess Leia 1
10 Pieces Of Star Wars Tech That We've Surpassed IRL

The Star Wars franchise features a lot of amazing tech, but in reality, a few of these developments have been surpassed.

Gerard Butler, Robert Downy Jr., Tom Hanks 1
10 Most Heroic Movie Last Stands

In movies, events can lead to a heroic last stand, pitting the lead character against seemingly insurmountable odds.

A split image of Corleone in The Godfather, Evelyn in Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Samwise in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 1
10 Best Non-Drama Movies To Win A Best Picture Oscar

From the absurdist comedy Everything Everywhere All at Once to the iconic crime epic The Godfather, several non-drama movies have won Best Picture.

Brandon Lee, Heath Ledger, Bruce Lee 1
10 Best Movies Released After The Star's Death

These movies are the best works from actors who tragically passed before their final film had been released to the public.

Jason Voorheen, Micheal Meyers, Leatherface 1
10 Great Slasher Movies With The Highest Kill Counts

Slashers are known for their direct approach, favoring kill counts over complex scares.

T-rex, Black Wolf, Bruce 1
10 Scariest Animal Movies, Ranked

From Jaws to Cujo, there's no shortage of films that include dangerous animals as the main antagonist.

Great Comedy Duos 1
10 Best Movie Comedy Duos

Like Jay & Silent Bob and Cheech & Chong, many comedy films include iconic duos who appear together in multiple movies.

Deadpool, Gogo Yubari, Newt 1
10 Female Characters That Deserve A Dark Reboot Like Wednesday

With the recent success of Netflix's Wednesday, there is a slew of other dark female characters who could also earn their own reboots.

Tom Cruise, Sean Connery, Ian McKellen 1
10 Great Actors & Their Most Bizarre Roles

Some actors should stick to what they're best at, lest they risk appearing out of character in more ways than one. Great actors get some wacky roles.

Bill Murrey, Ralph Machio, Sylvester Stalone 1
10 Best 1980s Montages

No era did movie montages quite like the 1980s! These are some of the best movie montage scenes that the '80s have to offer.

Frank, gunfighter, Eraserhead 1
10 Most Bizarre Cult Classics

Even by cult classic standards, some films are so bizarre that they must be seen to be believed.

Movie Zombies - Return of the Living Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Resident Evil 1
10 Best Movie Zombies, Ranked By Lethality

From slow-moving mindless eaters to wise-cracking demonic soul swallowers, there are many types of zombies in movies. But which are the most lethal?

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