Star Wars is slowly beginning to expand its canon beyond just the Skywalker Saga and the events connected to it. The Mandalorian was one of the first series to take a step in this direction, and The Acolyte will be taking a giant leap into new territory. The Acolyte will be thrusting viewers into the High Republic era and showcasing the rise of the Sith and the decline of the Republic's golden age. This also allows the Jedi to finally be shown as they were meant to be: champions of light and life.

The High Republic was a time of amazing feats and galactic expansion. The Republic was extending itself out farther into the galaxy, creating new hyperspace lanes and focusing on bringing the galaxy together. The Jedi Order shared this goal, looking to bring the light of the Force and the Jedi to all citizens. The Jedi were always meant to be above the politics and fighting of the galaxy. They were meant to protect everyone in the galaxy through peace and through being a shining example of the light side of the Force. The prequels showed the Jedi in the final days before their fall. They had already become corrupted, but The Acolyte can show the true Jedi Order to the audience.

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The Acolyte Can Display the Light of the Jedi

The Acolyte and Star Wars High Republic live action era graphic

When talking to Empire Magazine, the showrunner Leslye Headland said, "What I think is so interesting right now is that everybody thinks they’re [Jedi] right! The Jedi really think they’re right – and George [Lucas] tells us that they’re wrong in Phantom." The Jedi were never meant to be generals or involved with the senate, but Lucas was showing how the Jedi had fallen from the light, which lead to their downfall. Headland understands this and is looking to show what the Jedi were meant to be and how they started to lose their way.

The Phase I High Republic novels show how the Jedi continually fight for each citizen in the galaxy. When the Starlight Beacon was falling from the sky, their only concern was protecting the lives of the passengers and the people on the planet. They joined in the Force together to perform wondrous deeds, like moving massive debris in space, but this kind of unity was lost by the time of the prequels. The Acolyte will be set in the era of Jedi superiority, allowing the audience's perception of the Jedi to be permanently changed.

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The Acolyte Will Make Order 66 Hurt Even More

The Jedi and the Starlight beacon of Phase I of The High Republic

Order 66 is one of the most painful experiences for audiences. Star Wars has made the event more and more devastating with every project that comes out. Seeing the Jedi betrayed and killed by the Clones is awful, but it will be even worse when the fans are shown how great the Jedi used to be. During the High Republic, the Jedi were true heroes, people saw hope when a Jedi arrived, while during the Clone Wars they became a symbol of fear for some worlds. Seeing how heroic the Jedi used to be will only worsen the wounds of the Clone Wars.

The Acolyte's main focus will be to show how the Sith started to rise to political power without the Jedi realizing it, leading to the Fall of the Jedi and Order 66. With this series taking place in the High Republic, it's the perfect chance to show the Jedi as the champions of light and life for the galaxy. As Headland points out, Lucas showed the Jedi after they had been corrupted by power, but she can show a new and more hopeful side to the Jedi Order.

The Acolyte is expected to release on Disney+ in 2024.