Since Disney acquired Lucasfilm, it's added a bunch of projects to the Star Wars franchise: a sequel trilogy set 30 years after the fall of the Empire, two “Anthology” movies set before the 1977 original movie, and a streaming series set a couple of years after Return of the Jedi.

With the Mouse House jumping all over the timeline, it can be difficult to keep track of when each movie and TV show takes place.

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Each new Star Wars project builds on what came before, sometimes in unexpected ways. Characters who first debuted in a kids' show before the Disney acquisition are now major players in mainstream Star Wars shows. At the same time, brand new characters have worked their way into fans' hearts thanks to what they bring to the almost 50-year-old franchise.

Updated January 8th, 2023 by Declan Lowthian, Ashley Land, Nicole Mello, & Scoot Allan:

Many fans argue over whether it's better to watch the Star Wars movies in release order or in chronological order. We've updated this list with even more information about the many Star Wars movies, TV shows, and shorts available today, no matter what order you're watching them in.

Star Wars Movies In Release Order

Star Wars Movies In Chronological Order

Star Wars Movies & Shows In Chronological Order

Star Wars: Visions (2021)

Non-canonical, numerous dates

Umbrella lightsaber from Star Wars: Visions The Duel

Released on Disney+, Star Wars Visions is an anthology series from several visionary anime creators. It gave them a chance to play around in the Star Wars universe without any rules or restrictions from established continuity.

Star Wars: Visions explored a different and unique vision of the Star Wars universe. Each episode featured new takes on Jedi and Sith relationships as well as the lightsabers they wielded in battle. Each story takes place at a different point in the timeline of the Star Wars universe, but they all exist outside of canon.

Tales Of The Jedi (2022)

~40 BBY - 19 BBY

The Inquisitor burning Ahsoka's village in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi

The latest animated Star Wars project, Tales of the Jedi, showcases the prequel era Jedi, including the events before The Phantom Menace. With an especially welcomed focus on Ahsoka's early days as a padawan, it perfectly tees up her own solo show soon to come.

The new format of shorter done-in-one tales has delivered excellent callbacks and added exposition to the often unexplored side of the Jedi's history. Thus far, one of the series' high points has been the showcase of a young Qui Gon Jinn and his Jedi master – Count Dooku.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

32 BBY

Darth Maul fighting Obi-Wan in Star Wars the Phantom Menace

Jar Jar Binks may have disappointed some fans who’d waited for 16 years after Return of the Jedi to see another entry in the saga, but The Phantom Menace has plenty of merits. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan’s back-and-forth is a lot of fun, and the film gave fans a first peak into the workings of the Republic.

"Duel of the Fates" is mesmerizing and there are plenty of spectacular set-pieces from the pod race to the climactic lightsaber duel. Plus, Darth Maul is a terrifying villain. The Phantom Menace takes place during the era of the Galactic Republic as the Droid Separatist Army began to rise.

Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones (2002)

22 BBY

Anakin and Padme before the Trial on Geonosis in Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones was a popular choice for the worst entry in the saga before the sequel trilogy divided Star Wars fans further. During this film, the Republic and the Separatists go to war while Anakin secretly marries Padmé on Naboo.

Attack of the Clones set the stage nicely for the Clone Wars-related movie and TV shows that followed. The movie also featured the first appearance of Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett, which would lead to his later appearances as Boba Fett in the Disney+ series.

Star Wars Forces Of Destiny

22 BBY - 35 ABY

Ahsoka in Star Wars The Forces Of Destiny

While Forces of Destiny is not a traditional show set in the Star Wars universe, it is still a whole lot of fun. Technically, the series begins around 22 BBY until 19 BBY, since characters like Ahsoka Tano make appearances as they would have appeared during this time. However, Forces of Destiny also stretches all the way toward the end of the timeline, including characters who appear as late as Rey.

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Forces of Destiny isn’t even strictly a TV show, as it wasn’t on television. This web series featured short episodes that highlighted mini-stories about important female Star Wars characters. Performers like Felicity Jones, Ashley Eckstein, Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill, and more all reprise their roles, as well, making this show a solid contribution to the Star Wars timeline.

Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003 - 2005)

Noncanonical, 22 BBY - 19 BBY

Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Clone Wars mini-series

The Clone Wars era is where things get complicated for the Star Wars chronology. The 2D animated series, which was developed and drawn by Samurai Jack’s Genndy Tartakovsky, takes place before the 3D animated movie and subsequent TV series. However, its final four episodes take place toward the end of the war.

Star Wars: Clone Wars, released before Revenge of the Sith, was the first appearance of General Grevious and fans' first real look at what the height of the famous Clone Wars was like. Star Wars: Clone Wars is no longer canon, but it still has a lot to offer dedicated fans.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)

22 BBY

Poster for 2008's The Clone Wars with Obi-Wan and Anakin back to back

The theatrically released Clone Wars movie was created as a pilot episode for the computer-animated series, which turned out to be a lot more enjoyable than the movie. Fans were introduced to young Ahsoka Tano for the first time, although it wasn't the best start.

The plan to hook viewers with the movie backfired because The Clone Wars was panned by critics upon release. Star Wars fans had to be convinced to watch the series in spite of the movie, as opposed to watching it because they loved the movie.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 - 2020)

22 BBY - 19 BBY

Anakin and Ahsoka's Reunion in Season 7 of Clone Wars

After a 2D animated series that failed to catch on and a backdoor pilot movie fans hated, the Star Wars team finally nailed Clone Wars-era stories. Star Wars: The Clone Wars began airing in 2008 and followed Anakin Skywalker as he trained young Ahsoka Tano as his padawan during the war.

Clone Wars was a computer-animated series that deepened the prequel trilogy’s conflicts and the characters’ development. The series introduced fan-favorite characters from the Expanded Universe to the current continuity and has served as important viewing for the current slate of live-action TV series.

The Yoda Chronicles (2013)

Non-canonical, ~ 20 BBY and ~ 1 ABY

Lego Yoda Chronicles Pong Krell and Ahsoka Tano

The Yoda Chronicles served as an animated Lego series focused on the titular Jedi master and his adventures throughout the years. Beginning with Yoda's missions during the Clone Wars, the series sees the titular character leading a group of young padawans against the forces of Grievous.

As the series progresses, it introduces the character JEK, a Force-sensitive clone who aids Yoda in his battle against the Sith. The Yoda Chronicles tells Yoda's story across the years, from the era of the Republic to his training of Luke Skywalker in the waning days of the Empire.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021- )

19 BBY

The titular main characters of the Bad Batch in the first episode of Season 1

The squad of clone troopers known as The Bad Batch was first introduced in The Clone Wars animated series. The motley crew of specialized clones received their own spin-off series in 2021 that followed the elite Clone Force 99 in the aftermath of Palpatine's murderous Order 66.

Most of The Bad Batch was able to resist the order due to their specific mutations, which opened up a new chapter of stories for the fan-favorite characters. The Bad Batch continues the story from Clone Wars in an exciting new way without retreading ground even into its second season.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith (2005)

19 BBY

Anakin and Obi-Wan on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith

The final part of the prequel trilogy is widely regarded to be the best. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith closed off the various threads of the prequel trilogy while laying the seeds for A New Hope's storyline. All the trilogy’s conflicts came to a head as Palpatine swayed Anakin to the dark side.

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The Great Jedi Purge took place while Obi-Wan took Luke and Leia into hiding as babies. Fans remember the movie for its outstanding lightsaber battles and darker tone, separating it from the earlier movies in the prequel trilogy.

Star Wars: Droids (1985 -1986)

Noncanonical, 15 BBY

C-3PO and R2-D2 dodging lasers in Star Wars Droids

George Lucas decided to tell Star Wars from the perspective of the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO after seeing Akira Kurosawa telling the story of The Hidden Fortress through the eyes of peasants Matashichi and Tahei. However, it turned out that Artoo and Threepio couldn’t carry a story entirely on their own, as the short-lived animated series Star Wars: Droids can attest to.

Droids certainly doesn't hold up to all the same standards as current Star Wars projects, but it is the source of some now-classic Star Wars features. The Boonta Eve Classic podrace where Anakin wins his freedom gets its name from the Boonta Race in the episode "A Race to the Finish," and several other names and faces first cropped up in this oft-forgotten spin-off.

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

10 BBY

Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon from Solo: A Star Wars Story

Despite the clunky backstories for Han’s name, jacket, dice, ship, and friendship with Chewie, Solo: A Star Wars Story was a fun trip to everyone’s favorite galaxy far, far away. There’s no replacing Harrison Ford as Han, but Alden Ehrenreich did a fine job with the role.

Some might say that a character like Han Solo doesn't really need a deep history, but the movie still impressed fans with an engaging story and a powerful score. Solo: A Star Wars Story is set prior to the events of A New Hope but after the Imperial Forces have assumed command of the galaxy.

LEGO Star Wars All-Stars (2018)

Non-canonical, 10 BBY and 34 ABY

LEGO Star Wars All-Stars focuses on Han, Chewie, Leia, and Lando in their journeys through the galaxy. From the life of a retired battle droid to the efforts of BB-8 alongside the Resistance, the show was LEGO Star Wars for the new generation.

All-Stars also tied in with the events from prior LEGO Star Wars projects, namely through the inclusion of the Freemaker family. The series is best enjoyed as a LEGO tie-in with the events of the sequel trilogy, as it focuses primarily on the Resistance.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)


Ewan McGregor stares into the distance in teaser for Obi-Wan Kenobi

Set 10 years after the events of Revenge of a Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+ is a limited series that brought back the stars of the prequel trilogy for an unexplored chapter in the Skywalker Saga. Ewan McGregor reprised his role as the Jedi Master Obi-Wan, who is forced into exile on the planet Tattoine in order to safeguard young Luke Skywalker.

McGregor was joined by the returning Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader as well. Obi-Wan Kenobi followed Rogue One's lead by exploring untapped points in the Star Wars timeline while also introducing characters from animation, like the Grand Inquisitors, into live-action for the first time.

Star Wars: Rebels (2014 - 2018)


Ezra Bridger wielding a lightsaber from Star Wars Rebels

A new chapter of the Star Wars computer-generated animated series launched in 2014 with Star Wars Rebels. As the Empire tightens its grip on the galaxy and searches for the last surviving Jedi, the Rebel Alliance rises up against them.

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Star Wars Rebels introduced a new crew of fan-favorite characters as they struggled to keep the ideals of the Jedi alive while fighting against Imperial Forces. The animated series ran for four seasons and connected to key moments from Clone Wars while also setting up events in the original trilogy.

Andor (2022)

~5 BBY

Cassian Andor walking through a shipyard

Featuring the return of Cassian Andor, who first debuted in Rogue One, Andor takes a grittier and more political look at exactly what it took to build the rebel alliance. Andor is the latest in a pattern of exploring the space between Star Wars movies through Disney+ original shows.

Fan favorites like Saw Gerrera, Mon Mothma, and Bail Organa all make a return to live-action in their desperate bid to fight the Empire's slow and steady galactic domination. Andor proves that Star Wars isn't afraid to shy away from the grim details of war.