Jason Jarman-

Jason Jarman

About Jason Jarman

A comics enthusiast, lifelong Trekkie, movie buff, and pro wrestling aficionado, Jason Jarman has written for TheHDRoom.com and ElectricBento.com.

The original Flash, Jay Garrick, in some of his best Golden Age comics 1
10 Best Golden Age Flash Comics

Before Wally West or Barry Allen, Jay Garrick raced through DC's comic pages as the Golden Age Flash, starring in amazing stories of that era.

The Flash and Green Lantern team up in New 52 and Brave and the Bold comics 1
10 Best Flash/Green Lantern Team-Up Comics

The Flash and Green Lantern have shared many great team-ups and crossovers in DC Comics, dating back to Brave and the Bold Silver Age adventures.

The Flash #123 (left), Showcase #4 (center) and The Flash #114 (right) are among the best Silver Age Flash comics. 1
10 Best Silver Age Flash Comics

By the end of the '50s, The Flash entered a new era known as the Silver Age, with many iconic issues appearing during this time.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1, the debut of Jennika and team-up with Usagi Yojimbo (right) are solid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics for new readers 1
10 Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Comics For New Readers

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have a rich comic book history, with plenty of great jumping-on points in the TMNT runs for new comic readers.

Batman #423 (left), All-Star Batman & Robin #9 (center) and Detective Comics #374 (right). 1
10 Batman Comic Covers Better Than Their Stories

No comics reader should judge a book by its cover; some of Batman's most striking covers don't always serve as a prelude to a great story.

split image of Batman leading the Justice League and International teams with Superman, Wonder Woman, Guy Gardner and Booster Gold 1
Every Team Batman Ever Led In The Comics

Batman is one of the greatest leaders in DC Comics, leading teams like the Outsiders, the Gotham Knights, and the Justice League.

A split image of A Death in the Family (left), The Dark Knight Returns (center) and Batman: The Cult (right 1
10 Darkest Endings In Batman Comics

Batman is one of DC's darkest heroes and his nature has trickled into his stories. Some endings stand out as truly sinister and bleak, though.

The end of the DCEU has implications for the big-screen futures of the Flash (left), Batman and Superman (center) and Wonder Woman (right) 1
10 Harsh Realities Of The DCEU Ending

The DCEU is coming to a close, and it leaves behind a wake of unanswered questions and unfulfilled promises.

A split image of Captain Cold, an empty Flash suit, and Reverse Flash from DC Comics 1
10 Darkest Endings In Flash Comics

The Flash's adventures rarely delve into darker plotlines, but every now and then, his comics will end on a shocking and grim note.

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10 Forgotten Eras Star Trek Should Explore

Star Trek is a celebrated sci-fi show with many untold stories. Fans would enjoy seeing the franchise explore what happens in different eras.

Blue Beetle and Tim Drake Robin death scenes 1
12 DC Comics Characters Whose Sacrifices Were Undermined By Retcons

DC's greatest superheroes have sacrificed their lives to save the world and even the universe, but certain retcons undermined those heroic acts.

Janeway (left), Kirk (center) and Sisko (right) were Star Trek captains who went too far at times 1
10 Times The Star Trek Captains Went Way Too Far

Whether motivated by revenge or the mission itself, several Star Trek captains made terrible choices that put innocents at risk.

10 Things Marvel Comics Would Never Be Able To Get Away With Today-1 1
10 Things Marvel Comics Would Never Be Able To Get Away With Today

Every story is inherently a product of its time, but Marvel has published some controversial comics in the past that they wouldn't dare release today.

Sinestro (left), Lex Luthor (center) and the Joker (right) are among DC's most influential villains 1
10 Most Influential DC Villains, Ranked

DC's villains are as influential as their heroes. They've infiltrated media far beyond comics and created entirely new tropes and kinds of characters.

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Spider-Man's 10 Coolest Powers

Spider-Man is a cool superhero, to be sure, and that's reflected in his superhuman abilities.

Jon Kent (left) and Starfire (right) are some of the closest non-Bat-family allies of Nightwing (center) 1
Nightwing's 10 Closest Allies Outside The Bat-Family

After Dark Crisis, Nightwing represents DC's superhero community, and his list of close allies extends well beyond Batman's Bat-Family.

Superboy-Prime (left), Starro (center) and Parallax (right) were all villains who met their end while saving lives 1
9 DC Villains Who Died Saving Lives

Despite DC villains' propensity for doling out pain, some have died in the service of saving lives.

A split image of Venom, Spider-Man, and Wolverine in Marvel Comics 1
10 Harsh Realities Of Working With Spider-Man

Spider-Man has teamed up with every prominent Marvel hero and most of its unknowns. However, his bad habits and reputation makes him hard to work with

Star Trek Quotes - three way image showing Captain Pike, Captain Picard, and Mister Spock 1
10 Star Trek Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up The Franchise

Built on going where no one has gone before, Star Trek is filled with inspirational quotes that perfectly capture what Gene Roddenberry believed.

A split image of Dave Bautista in Blade Runner 2049, Dwayne Johnson in The Rundown, and John Cena in The Suicide Squad 1
10 Best Movie Performances By Pro Wrestlers

From John Cena playing Peacemaker to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's role in The Rundown, fans have plenty of great movie performances from pro wrestlers.

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