Hannah Rose

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REVIEW: Marvel's Captain America: Cold War Alpha #1

As Bucky Barnes begins his as the outer Circle's Revolution, his first order of business is kidnapping Steve Rogers' son.

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REVIEW: DC's The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country - The Glass House #1

The Corinthian may be the walking nightmare, but he's entering Silicon Valley, and its inhabitants are already living a nightmare of their own.

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REVIEW: Marvel's Star Wars #33 Highlights Luke Skywalker's Strength as a Jedi

Star Wars #33 presents a return to form for Luke Skywalker -- and for the escape from No-Space. Here's CBR's review.

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REVIEW: IDW's Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Dog of War #1

In this miniseries commemorating the 30th anniversary of Deep Space Nine, Quark has taken on an adorable piece of cargo–with dangerous collateral.

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REVIEW: DC Comics' Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6

Batman and the Joker have finally solved the mystery behind the undead of Simco, but their alliance might end before the battle begins.

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Exclusive: David Avallone Takes Elvira on a Journey into Monsterland

In an interview with CBR, writer David Avallone discusses the upcoming Dynamite series, Elvira in Monsterland, and his love for the iconic character.

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REVIEW: Marvel's It's Jeff! #1 Is an Adorable One-Off Adventure

Marvel's unofficial pet mascot stars in a sweet little series of vignettes showing a side of Marvel not often seen -- and it's pretty cute.

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REVIEW: Marvel's Avengers Beyond #1

Long ago, the Avengers defeated the reality-warping Beyonder, and now he's back, but this time he's begging them for a little reality-warping help.

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REVIEW: Image Comics' Dead Romans #1

At the dawn of the Roman Empire, Prince Arminius must balance fighting Rome and saving he woman he loves in a surprisingly subtle war story.

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REVIEW: DC's The Flash #795 Is the Beginning of the End For the One-Minute War

The One-Minute war rages on, but Barry Allen may have found a way to end it -- and make sure it never started at all.

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Chuck Brown Brings an Iconic Disney Villain to Life in Scar #1

In this exclusive interview, Chuck Brown shares his love for one of Disney's most iconic villains and talks about expanding on The Lion King.

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REVIEW: IDW's Star Trek: Defiant #1

Despite Sisko's efforts, Emperor Kahless continues to kill the gods, and now Worf is ready to take matters into his own hands.

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REVIEW: Boom! Studios' BRZRKR #12

Although he may be mortal, Unute is still a killing machine–and with Caldwell unleashing the Berserker, it's time for him to fight one last battle.

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REVIEW: Marvel's The X-Cellent #1

Milligan and Allred return to the X-Cellent as Zeitgeist starts to lose popularity amongst his teammates.

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REVIEW: Marvel's New Mutants: Lethal Legion #1

The New Mutants are out to quell Count Nefaria's new Lethal Legion but spend most of their time talking instead.

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REVIEW: DC's The Flash #794 Welcomes Thunderheart to the Flash Family

Irey West has unlocked her potential to become the speed force user Thunderheart -- but is she too late? Here's CBR's review.

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REVIEW: DC's Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1

Someone is killing Kal-El in every multiverse, and Jon's father may be next in Tom Taylor and Clayton Henry's new Superman series.

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REVIEW: DC's Shazam! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters

Before the storm of the Fury of the Gods, the tight-knit Shazamily get a little taste of calm–or as calm as things can be in Eternity Rock.

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REVIEW: DC's DC/ RWBY #1 Collides Gotham's Finest With the Whimsical Quartet

There's a magical threat roaming Gotham, putting Batman out of his depth -- thankfully, RWBY has arrived to help. Here's CBR's review.

How a Censored Disney Comic Introduced Young Fans to the World of Jeff Smith's Bone 1
How a Censored Disney Comic Introduced Young Fans to the World of Jeff Smith's Bone

Disney Adventures introduced a generation to Jeff Smith's Bone - but did their censored changes have any impact on the story or their readers?

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