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Baki Hanma facing down a strong foe and Demon Face backs from anime Baki the Grappler 1
Baki the Grappler: What is the Demon Back?

There's an unusual feature among the muscular men of Baki known as the Demon Face, which is both super strong and super intimidating.

Pinocchio from lies of P 1
Lies of P Is the Perfect Starting Point for New Soulsborne Players

Lies of P is perfect for fans who are put off by the high difficulty of Soulslikes but who overwise enjoy the gameplay.

Split Image of the black and white Batman 1943 serial and Batman and Robin 1
10 Things You Didn't Know About The 1943 Batman Serial

DC Comics fans have largely forgotten the 1943 Batman serial, but it significantly impacted the franchise from the Golden Age onward.

A combined image of shapeshifters the Skrulls in the MCU and Beast Boy in Titans 1
The Skrulls & 9 Other Great Shapeshifters In TV

From Secret Invasion's Skrulls to Titans' Beast Boy and the Zygons in Doctor Who, TV is full of dangerous and interesting shapeshifters.

Rei with her arms crossed - Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serenity and Endymion hug in Sailor Moon. 1
10 Anime Love Interests Who Defined Classic Series

Love interests like Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion and Mamoru from Sailor Moon defined classic series and influenced modern love interests.

Chris Stearns and Nick Fury from Secret Invasion 1
Secret Invasion Includes an Easter Egg From Netfilx's Daredevil

An Easter egg from Netflix's Daredevil series appears in the second episode of Marvel Studios' Disney+ limited series, Secret Invasion.

Miles Morales surrounded by characters from Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse. 1
Across the Spider-Verse Artist Used Pedro Pascal as a Model for Web-Slinger

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse artist, Kris Anka, reveals that actor, Pedro Pascal, is the model for the character Web-Slinger's design.

A split image showing Garnet in Final Fantasy IX, Yuna in Final Fantasy X, and Zack in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII 1
10 Best Final Fantasy Endings, Ranked

Final Fantasy's final moments are often the best in the entire game.

Elemental has Wade and Ember having dinner with Wade's family  1
How Elemental Sets up a Sequel

Disney Pixar's Elemental has Ember and Wade making a big decision at the end that sets them up for new adventures at home or away from Elemental City.

A collage of overpowered Street Fighter characters: Yun, Luke, and Elena 1
10 Most Overpowered Street Fighter Characters

Enjoying major advantages over the rest of Street Fighter's impressive roster, OP characters like Yun, Elena, and Luke dominated the competition.

A split image of Gohan Vs Dabura, Goku Vs Thin Buu, and Gotenks Vs Copy-Vegeta 1
10 Dragon Ball Fights That Went Absolutely Nowhere

The Dragon Ball franchise produces so many fights, between alien warlords like Frieza and Super Saiyans, that some are bound to lead nowhere.

Captain America, Spider-Man, and other characters from Marvel's Ultimate universe by Bryan Hitch 1
How Ultimate Marvel Reinvented Classic Comic Characters For Modern Readers

The Ultimate Universe changed classic Marvel heroes like Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the X-Men — making them more relevant and interesting.

kevin conroy batman 1
Queer Comics from a Queer Perspective: Pride

To celebrate Pride month, let's talk about Kevin Conroy and J Bone's DC Pride story, and why it's so important.

A split image showing a wizard, fighter, and bard in DnD 1
The Easiest Mistakes To Make Building Each Dungeons & Dragons Class

It's hard to build a truly ineffective character in D&D 5e, but there are still some pitfalls to watch out for in each class.

Split image of 2001 a Space Odyssey, Blade Runner 2049 and Interstellar 1
10 Classic Sci-Fi Movies That Are Way Too Long

These classic science fiction films clearly needed room to tell their stories, but when looking at the runtimes, their length might be a little long.

Tensen in Hell's Paradise grouped together 1
Hell's Paradise: Who Are the Tensen & Why Are They so Powerful?

The Tensen are the ultimate bosses in Hell's Paradise, but who exactly are these mysterious beings? And how strong are they?

3 way split of Martian Manhunter, Batman, and Red Hood from DC Comics 1
10 DC Characters Who Need to Go Back To The Status Quo

Comics have a bad habit of sticking to status quos for too long, but DC needs to realize when they have a good thing going and stay put.

The Flash' Sasha Calle and Fast and Furious 1
If the DCU Doesn't Want Sasha Calle, Another Franchise Should Come Calling

Sasha Calle's Supergirl may not return after The Flash, but there's another massive blockbuster franchise home to DCEU stars that she could join.

My Hero Academia All Villains Ranked From Weakest To Strongest 1
My Hero Academia: All Villains Ranked From Weakest To Strongest

The villains of My Hero Academia are armed with some deadly quirks and powerful skills, but which are the strongest and which are the weakest? CBR finds out.

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MtG: Commander Masters 2023 Complete Spoilers

Commander Masters is the latest MtG Masters set, and it promises brand-new Commanders as well as reprints of format staples.

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