With the premiere of the MCU Secret Invasion, this 2008 Marvel event is back in the conversation. Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Francis Yu, Secret Invasion, changed the Marvel Universe as fans knew it, revealing that a good chunk of Earth-616's heroes and villains had been replaced by Skrulls. Although Marvel's most iconic champions managed to make things right in the end, Secret Invasion changed the course of Marvel's history.

Many different storylines stemmed from Secret Invasion. Some of them dealt with its direct aftermath, like Dark Reign, but others were more about the long-term consequences of the invasion, like Siege. Regardless, Secret Invasion kicked off a series of Marvel events that fans enjoyed plenty in its time.

RELATED: 10 Marvel Characters Secret Invasion Could Reveal As Skrulls

7 Punishment (2010)

By Rick Remender, Marjorie Liu, Daniel Way, Tony Moore, Stephen Segovia, Paco Diaz, and John Lucas

The Punisher looking at himself covered in blood

During Dark Reign, Norman Osborn sent Daken to kill the Punisher. Unfortunately for the murderer, Frank Castle didn't stay dead. During Punishment, he returned as Franken-Castle, a far more violent version of the Punisher who was ready to avenge his own death.

If Osborn hadn't taken control of the world following the Skrull Invasion, Daken would've never gotten involved with the Punisher (and Wolverine, who joined them in this event), preserving his own safety. Although he managed to escape thanks to the bloodstone, facing two of the most violent Marvel heroes wasn't Akihiro's best idea.

6 Utopia (2009)

By Matt Fraction and Mike Carey

The Dark X-Men posing on a cover with Namor at the center

A couple of months after creating the Dark Avengers, his own superhero team, Norman Osborn uses the same strategy to stop anti-mutant riots from becoming the norm in America. Mystique, Emma Frost, Namor, Daken, Mimic, Omega, Cloak, Dagger, and Dark Beast become Osborn's enforcers, the Dark X-Men.

It's unlikely the MCU will adapt Utopia or bring the Dark X-Men to the screen soon. Mutants haven't really made it into Marvel Studios yet. However, fans are hopeful Secret Invasion will set the ground for the Thunderbolts, who may become the first anti-hero team in the MCU.

RELATED: 10 Biggest Reveals From Secret Invasion

5 War Of Kings (2009)

By Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, and Christopher Yost

Black Bolt, flanked by Darkhawk and Gladiator, in Marvel Comics

The Kree/Skrull rivalry is one of the most ancient feuds in Marvel. Following the Skrull's attempts to control Earth, the Inhumans (designed with Kree technology) decide it's time for them to take control. They launch a military attack against the Skrull and claim Kree-lar as theirs, only to have Emperor Vulcan of the Shi'ar Empire declare war too.

This clash between civilizations soon turns into one of the biggest universal wars ever seen in Marvel, War of Kings. Contrary to Secret Invasion, it doesn't take place on Earth, but it stills put everyone in danger, forcing Nova, Darkhawk, the Starjammers, and the Guardians of the Galaxy to intervene.

4 Magnum Opus (2009)

By Daniel Way, Paco Medina, Juan Vlasco, Marte Gracia, Cory Petit, Andy Diggle, Bong Dazo, Joe Pimentel, Frank Martin Jr., and Albert Deschesne

Deadpool taunting his attacker in the cover of Dark Reign: Deadpool

During Secret Invasion, Nick Fury tasked Deadpool with retrieving data from the Skrulls. When Norman Osborn intercepted this data's transmission, it gave him the right knowledge to end Queen Veranke. This made him the leader of H.A.M.M.E.R but also stopped Deadpool from completing his mission and getting paid y Fury. "Magnum Opus," is the mercenary's attempt to get his money.

Both Deadpool and the Thunderbolts are set to debut in the MCU soon. However, it's unlikely Secret Invasion will set the ground for an exact adaptation of "Magnum Opus." Regardless of this, this storyline is fairly popular for combining Deadpool and the Thunderbolts, some of the darkest Marvel characters.

3 Empyre (2020)

By Al Ewing, Dan Slott, and Valerio Schiti

Hulkling and Wiccan stand together in the events of Empyre, backed by Skrull, Kree, Captain Marvel, and the Human Torch

A new twist in the shared history between the Kree and the Skrull, Empyre sees the two races join forces against humans. The Kree/Skrull Aliance approaches Earth led by Dorrek VII, aka Hulkling and the only ones who can stop this invasion are Earth's superheroes.

The 2008 comic main influence on Empyre is its outstanding popularity, but also the fact that Skrulls' loss in Secret Invasion made them even more obsessed with Earth than before. This series pitted Earth's warriors against the Skrull in a surprise attack, but on Empyre there aren't secret strategies. However, the stakes are just as high.

RELATED: 10 Best Skrull Comics Besides Secret Invasion

2 Dark Reign (2009)

By Brian Michael Bendis, Jonathan Hickman, Matt Fraction, Rick Remender, Kieron Gillen, Peter Milligan, Andy Diggle, Greg Pak, Jason Aaron, Dan Slott, and Alex Maleev

Norman Osborn gathers his Cabal (Namor, Emma Frost, Doctor Doom, Lady Loki, and the Hood) in Marvel's Dark Reign

Dark Reign isn't an event. Instead, it's an era of the Marvel Universe in which Norman Osborn is at the top of the pyramid. As the head of H.A.M.M.E.R, the villain has absolute control over pretty much everything regarding superheroes on Earth. All thanks to his outstanding victory against Queen Veranke.

Dark Reign is the direct result of Secret Invasion. After Iron Man and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s reputation fall, Osborn takes advantage of the situation and forms his cabal. The many one-shots of this era, such as Dark Reign: New Nation and Dark Reign: Files, lay the ground for big changes in Marvel, easing the transition from Secret Invasion to Dark Reign, and into the 2010s Marvel. Fans have hope that something similar will shock the MCU after Secret Invasion. This cinematic universe could use a change of status quo for a while.

1 Siege (2010)

By Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel

Balder Battles Ares in Marvel Comics' Siege with art by Oliver Coipel

The climax of the Dark Reign era, Siege sees Norman Osborn try and conquer Asgard using H.A.M.M.E.R. and the Dark Avengers after Loki gets into his head. At the same time, Captain America puts a new Avengers team full of rebels intending to stop Osborn.

Siege signals the beginning of Marvel's Heroic Age. This storyline sees Marvel 616 universe return to a more-or-less normal era, following the traumatic events of Secret Invasion. This event is both a long-term consequence of Secret Invasion and proof that this 2008 comic shocked the Marvel Universe to its core at the time.