batman incorporated


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Batman: The Joker Killed Red Hood’s Father

The Joker and Red Hood's bloody feud may have just reached its breaking point.

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DC May Have Given a Batman Family Member a Tragic Ending

A member of Batman's international team may have suffered a cruel fate at the hands of Joker Incorporated in the latest issue of Batman Incorporated.

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Batman Inc. is Being Forced by the Joker to Break the Dark Knight's Most Important Rule

The Joker's plan to bring down Batman Inc. is forcing the heroes down a dark path contrary to the Dark Knight's most important rule.

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10 Best Batman Comics Set Outside Gotham City

Gotham City is famously Batman's home turf, but some noteworthy DC comics take the Dark Knight and the Bat-Family outside city limits.

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10 DC Heroes Batman Never Teamed Up With In Brave And The Bold

The Brave and the Bold comic book featured various DC team-ups, but Batman hasn't worked with these heroes in that series yet.

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Red Hood's Father is Pulling Off Jason Todd's Best Trick

Jason Todd's father has made a stunning return in Batman Incorporated, proving that he is capable of pulling off Red Hood's best trick.

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Batman's Most Ambitious Organization is Being Destroyed by its Own Leader

Batman's most ambitious organization is at substantial risk of being destroyed from within by the actions of its own leader.

The Bat-Man of China feels he not longer qualified to be Batman after messing up Ghost-Maker's plan. 1
Why One of DC's Dark Knights Wants to Quit Being Batman

One of the members of the Ghost-Maker-led Batman Inc. team says they should no longer be wearing the cape and cowl in DC's Batman Incorporated #8.

Batman and Ghost-Maker fighting. 1
Batman's Best Ally Has Picked Up His Worst Trait

Batman Incorporated reveals which of the Dark Knight's traits his best ally has picked up - and how it may ultimately prove detrimental to his team.

Joker debuts his new team of supervillains, Joker Inc, in DC's Batman Incorporated #8. 1
The Joker Finally Forms His New Team of Batman-Murdering Villains

The Clown Prince of Crime debuts his deadly team of supervillains, Joker Incorporated, in the latest chapter of DC Comics' Batman Incorporated series.

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The Dark Knight's Deadliest Ally is the Best Leader For Batman Incorporated

Batman's deadliest ally has proven over time to be the best leader the Dark Knight could have assigned to his international crime-fighting venture.

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The Joker Just Completely Warped Batman's Greatest Idea

The Joker just twisted and inverted Batman's best idea, creating a warped version of the Dark Knight's greatest crime-fighting plan.

On the left, Nightwing charges forward with gritted teeth. On the right, Batman and Ghost-Maker stand back to back while in fighting stances. 1
Batman's Oldest Sidekick is the Perfect Rival for the Dark Knight's Best Frenemy

Ghost-Maker's confrontation with Nightwing in Batman Incorporated highlights how the two work surprisingly well as direct foils.

Batman's Most Sadistic Villain Is Prepared To Burn Gotham To The Ground 1
Batman's Most Sadistic Villain Is Prepared To Burn Gotham To The Ground

Batman Incorporated #6 sees the titular team working through their differences as they face one of the Dark Knight's most sadistic villains.

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Professor Pyg is Replacing Joker As Gotham's Scariest Villain (and That’s a Good Thing)

Professor Pyg's appearance in Batman Incorporated highlights what makes him one of Gotham's most horrifying villains.

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A Major Batman Villain Is Torturing Gotham’s Worst Criminals

Batman Incorporated #6 sends the titular team back to Gotham City to stop one of Batman's twisted villains currently waging war on other criminals.

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10 Biggest Reveals From Batman Incorporated (So Far)

Former Batman villain, Ghost-Maker, leads a new team of Batmen in the latest Batman Incorporated comic series, featuring a number of great reveals.

Ghost-Maker Is Breaking Batman's Number One Rule Behind His Back 1
Batman's Deadliest Friend is Becoming More Like the Dark Knight

Batman's deadliest ally is showing signs of becoming more like the Dark Knight, and may be on the throes of becoming a hero.

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Batman's Darkest Ally Did What the Caped Crusader Never Could

Batman Incorporated #5 reveals that one of the Caped Crusader's most trusted allies crossed a line the Dark Knight never could.

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The Joker Is Forming His Own Team to Face Batman Inc.

Gotham City's killer clown is set to follow the international plans of his greatest enemy with the rise of Joker Inc., beginning in Batman Inc. #7.
