The following contains spoilers for Captain America: Symbol of Truth #12, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

Captain America's life has been thrown into sheer chaos following Bucky Barnes' betrayal. The former Winter Soldier, who is now the new Revolution, is working against the Outer Circle terrorist faction. But he's also waging war on Steve Rogers' crew, playing some nefarious long con to "correct" the world.

Sadly, Bucky partnered with the racist White Wolf in the process and even corrupted Peggy Carter, quickly ripping Captain America's family apart. It led to them kidnapping Steve's son, Ian, and bringing monsters over from Dimension Z as part of some sick, twisted game. As the Cold War event heats up, Captain America: Symbol of Truth #12 (by Tochi Onyebuchi, R.B. Silva, Jesus Aburtov and VC's Joe Caramagna) brought the most lethal Avenger in to help.

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Cold War Revisits Black Widow and Winter Soldier's Complicated History

Black Widow threatens Bucky Barnes while holding a knife to his throat

Bucky's playing both sides, but the collateral damage is severe. Casualties are being taken by White Wolf's monsters, but still, Bucky asks an imprisoned Ian (aka the new Nomad) to trust him. The issue ends with Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) sneaking inside and then holding a knife to Bucky's throat.

She warns her former lover to tell her the truth or else she'll kill him. And, as someone who trained with her and also, has been her enemy, he knows just how threatening she is. Thus, Bucky is worried as he can tell she'll have no problem with killing him, especially because she's loyal to Earth's Mightiest Heroes. But there are complications, given the trauma she went through the past couple of years.

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Black Widow is Marvel's Most Lethal Wild Card

Black Widow pointing a knife at Bucky Barnes

In Secret Empire, the real Natasha died, but she was resurrected thanks to the Red Room's cloning program. Her memories were disjointed, though, and so were her husband's. The couple also unknowingly had their DNA harvested to create a genetically-manufactured child, Stevie. In the battle against Madame Hydra, however, they were almost killed -- which led to Bucky stashing them away.

This gives Bucky leverage. Bucky could well be prepared to hold Black Widow's family hostage. There's also a chance that he will sell her the same dream he sold Peggy. He could even send her back as a spy. However, there's a chance that she could lose control of herself. If that happens there's no telling what she would do with her lethal skills. Black Widow could end up trying to murder him. It'd be emotional for sure, as Bucky's never stopped loving her. Ultimately, it shapes an enticing story, with Natasha as an equalizer and weapon to break Bucky, but one who could end up being a wildcard if he plays on their history and love.