Alita: Battle Angel star Rosa Salazar is officially a member of the cast of Captain America: New World Order.

Per Murphy's Multiverse, Salazar is confirmed as the actor who was previously reported to have joined WWE Superstar Seth Rollins as one of the film's villainous members of the Serpent Society. Salazar will be making her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as Rachel Leighton, better known as Diamondback, whose complex relationship with Steve Rogers in the comics could easily be adapted to fit Sam Wilson's upcoming story on the silver screen.

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New World Order Sees Anthony Mackie's First Feature as Captain America

Captain America: New World Order is set to be Anthony Mackie's first silver-screen outing as the titular Star-Spangled Avenger. Along with the new story comes a new look for Mackie's Captain America, which appears to be among several MCU originals created for the film. Among these is also a new costume for Danny Ramirez' Joaquin Torres, who will be stepping into his comic book alter-ego for the first time in the MCU in a suit that pays homage to his comic book attire.

So far, Salazar has been spotted sporting a deep green wardrobe that is right at home alongside that of her fellow Serpent Society members. Diamondback first appeared in 1985's Captain America #310 by writer Mark Gruenwald and artist Paul Neary alongside several other members of the then-newly formed Serpent Society. Over the years, this band of snake-themed costumed criminals has tormented Steve Rogers and his allies incessantly, landing them a reputation as one of the most relentless albeit frequently ineffective team of supervillains.

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Harrison Ford Joins the MCU

Apart from the film's new villains, Captain America: New World Order will also mark the MCU debut of Harrison Ford as General Thunderbolt Ross, initially portrayed in the Edward Norton-led The Incredible Hulk by the late William Hurt. Hurt reprised the role for 2016's Captain America: Civil War, 2018's Avengers: Infinity War, 2019's Avengers: Endgame, and 2021's Black Widow, with Ford set to pick up where Hurt left off before his passing. Joining Ford will be original The Incredible Hulk stars Liv Tyler and Tim Blake Nelson, who will be returning to their roles as Betty Ross and Samuel Sterns, aka the Leader, respectively.

Captain America: New World Order opens in theaters on May 3, 2024.

Source: Murphy's Multiverse