Captain America: New World Order will likely take after other Marvel Cinematic Universe movies by including storylines and plot points from the comic books. The first Captain America trilogy focused on the Golden Age of Captain America and established the creation of Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes.

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Now with TheFalcon And The Winter Solider being part of the MCU, they will likely pick up after the comics of the same name. Regardless of which comics are used for New World Order, the film will focus on Sam Wilson and how he will take on the glory and the burden of wielding the shield of Captain America.

10 The Origin Of New World Order

Red Skull grimacing in Cap Lives from Marvel Comics.

There has been a lot of talk about which villains from Marvel Comics will appear in New World Order. The origins of the New World Order as an organization stem from Red Skull and HYDRA in the comics. With Red Skull's storyline wrapped up in Avengers: End Game, the organization's origins may be rewritten but could still be tied back to Red Skull.

As variants have become an important part of the MCU timeline, a Red Skull variant could become Sam Wilson's foe. Regardless of who the MCU uses to facilitate the New World Order, the movie will undoubtedly explain its origins.

9 The Hulk & His Villains

Marvel Boss Confirms Harrison Ford's Thunderbolt Ross as the MCU's New U.S. President

Even though The Hulk, his allies, and villains aren't in the Captain America comics directly, The Incredible Hulk series plays a significant role in the New World Order storyline and the film. With Harrison Ford as Thunderbolt Ross taking on the part of the film's antagonist, there will be references to his connection to the New World Order.

Hulk faces the evil organization through several issues. The Leader is also included in the new movie, which further connects Hulk and Sam Wilson and may result in the pair working together again.

8 Establishing A Greater Storyline

Dr. Doom sits in a throne

Fans may finally get the answer to who will play Doctor Doom in the MCU if Captain America: New World Order sticks to the comics. The 2014 storyline entitled Axis came as a new iteration of the New World Order after Red Skull was defeated.

In this plot, Scarlet Witch connected with Doctor Doom and created a new force of evil. Captain America: New World Order likely won't feature Wanda as her story was highly focused on in Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness, but it could make way for Doctor Doom to come to power and make his MCU debut.

7 Sam's Official Take Over

Sam Wilson punching with broken glasses

The Falcon And The Winter Solider made it clear that Sam Wilson is Captain America, and Steve Rogers was no longer in the picture. Now as the star of his own film, Sam will get a chance to be a leader as he is in the New Word Order comics. Sam calls on his hero friends in the comics to establish The New Avengers.

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This will likely be shown in the new movie, or at least hinted at since Steve was the leader of The Avengers, which fans have loved for over a decade. Seeing Sam as a leader will be a first for audiences but stay true to Sam's growth from the comics.

6 Race & Captain America

Sam Wilson with red wings extended, and captain america suit

Captain America comics have never shied away from discussing race and what it means to be Black and a hero representing a country with a problematic past. Sam Wilson has already proven to be the perfect Captain America for the MCU, but the movie is sure to discuss it more.

Comics like Captain America Sam Wilson Vol. 1 Not My Captain America heavily discuss how Sam would not only fight villains with extraordinary powers but those who held biases against him for his race. The MCU has continued to add real-life issues into its storylines and was talked about with Isaiah Bradley.

5 Creating A Cohesive Storyline

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson in Captain America

The end of Phase 4 and the start of Phase 5 has promised significant changes for Marvel fans. However, there are loose ends from the Marvel TV shows on Disney+ that haven't made their way into the films. Captain America, New World Order, may be the movie to bring all the storylines together as the comics have combined stories into one place before. With characters from The Incredible Hulk confirmed to appear, this film will explain what fans saw in She-Hulk.

The comics from both Hulk and Captain America combined to form the New World Order storyline, which is being done in the movie. This would give Hulk a suitable storyline for the first time in the MCU since his first appearance.

4 Making Betty Ross An Important Character

Sam Wilson in Captain America suit next to Betty Ross from Incredible Hulk

Betty Ross was one of many characters erased from the MCU after The Incredible Hulk storyline changed. But now the Marvel film will take a page from the comics and reestablish Betty as an essential character. Betty is an accomplished scientist in the comics who can talk sense into her father and calm The Hulk.

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With The Leader being at least one villain included in the film, Betty may be used as a source of information on his motives or what he is working on. By making Betty a central character, Captain America 4 will be one of the more comic-accurate movies in the MCU.

3 Changing The Perception Of Captain America

Captain America in mid-battle in Marvel Comics

Marvel has made Captain America better over the years, and the new Captain America movie will do the same. The comics show Sam Wilson as a mighty hero even though he wasn't experimented on like Steve Rogers. This makes Sam a more relatable hero, even though Steve kept his charms about him throughout his tenure with the shield.

Captain America: New World Order will change audiences' perceptions of Captain America as Sam's version is focused on diplomacy and uses both the tech that he masters as Falcon and the old-school ways of Captain America. This will tie in with the moments in the comics where fans see Sam fully transition to the main hero and not a sidekick.

2 Secret Warriors Making Their Debut

Julia Louis-Dreyfus's Valentina Allegra de Fontaine speaking to Florence Pugh's Yelena Belova in Black Widow.

The Falcon And The Winter Solider established a new villain at work in the MCU that no one knew was working to build her syndicate of villains. Contessa Valentina has appeared in several instances already, but writers may be building up to Sam facing off with the could be Madame Hydra.

This would resurrect Hydra and make it one of the most challenging foes for Captain America once again. With The Thunderbolts already confirmed as one of Marvel's next steps, Contessa will be a part of New World Order; the question is, how much?

1 Revealing More Secrets

A collage of Hydra Supreme Captain America juxtaposed with Chris Evans' Captain America in the MCU.

Captain America is not an infallible hero. Marvel fans learned of the ways the Super Solider Serum was misused after Steve Rogers, but the comics that make up the New World Order storyline include even darker secrets. In Secret Empire, Steve Rogers sides with Hydra and works to carry out their evil deeds.

While it is unlikely that Chris Evans' Steve Rogers will be revealed to have worked for Hydra, a variant of the all-American hero may be shown in the film. This would show the effects variants can have on the universe, tie in the multiverse, and set up for villains like Madame Hydra.

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