George Chrysostomou

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About George Chrysostomou

Politics graduate, freelance writer and all around film geek. If George isn't lecturing someone on the history of the MCU, he's probably ranting about the political consequences of Putin's latest horse riding trip.

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10 Ancient Mythologies Marvel Comics Have Drawn Inspiration From

Ancient mythology is a huge storytelling tool for Marvel as they form their comics, with characters like Thor and Moon Knight hailing from past lore.

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The 10 Most Important Gaming Consoles In History

Gaming consoles like the NES and Wii completely changed the industry, and video game history would look very different if they were never created.

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9 Apps Every Gamer Needs To Download

Every gamer is looking for ways to enhance their experience, and great tools like the Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox apps offer plenty of benefits.

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10 TV Show Trailers That Told Audiences Nothing

In their best instances, TV show trailers provide teasers for what's to come without ruining anything.

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10 Best Batman B-Title Comics

Batman's main comic line is engaging and innovative, but there are so many B-title spinoffs that are worth checking out featuring the Bat-Family.

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10 Marvel Characters Who Lost Their Agency

Comics are especially compelling when characters can make choices that reflect their development, but these Marvel characters lost their agency.

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10 Most Important Captain America Milestones In Marvel Comics

Captain America is a true hero in Marvel Comics and these life milestones have come to establish who he is as a man, an Avenger, and as a soldier.

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10 Marvel Characters Too Difficult To Adapt To A Video Game

These Marvel characters might be popular and incredibly compelling but would be impossible to take to a video game without complicating the mechanics.

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10 Worst Things About Modern Star Wars Fandom

With every new entry in TV or film, Star Wars fandom grows more and more vocal, and not always in the best ways. Toxic fandom is now a universal issue

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10 DC Characters Too Difficult To Adapt To A Video Game

DC Comics is looking to expand into gaming, but characters like Superman and The Flash are going to be near-impossible to adapt as leading figures.

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10 Comic Strip Tropes & Trends That Aged Poorly

Classic comic strips like Peanuts, Garfield, and The Far Side are built on various trends and cliches, but many tropes haven't stood the test of time.

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10 Most Important Wonder Woman Milestones In DC Comics

Wonder Woman is an integral hero in DC's history and across her career, there have been significant milestones that shaped her comic landscape.

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10 Most Powerful Marvel Heroes Who Have Never Been Avengers

These Marvel Comics heroes are incredibly powerful, yet they've never held positions as members of the Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

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10 Biggest Losses Batman Never Got Over

Batman has gone through a lot of trauma in his life, and some losses have stuck with him for so long that they continue to influence his every choice.

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10 Classic Batman Villains Who Should Return In Batman Beyond Comics

Batman Beyond has instigated the reinvention of many classic foes,, but villains like Solomon Grundy and Anarky should appear.

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10 Strongest Galactic Teams In Marvel Comics

Galactic teams such as the Black Order, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and X-Men Red have survived in the cosmos due to their members' strength.

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10 Old-School Computer Games You Can Play For Free Right Now

Old-school games are the backbone of the industry today; classics like Street Fighter, Space Invaders, and Donkey Kong are now freely playable online.

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10 Popular Marvel Heroes With The Cringiest Debuts

Marvel Comics' most popular heroes didn't get off to a great start, but have more than made up for those cringy debuts in the years since.

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10 Nintendo Games That Start Strong & Only Get Worse

Nintendo games like Urban Champion and Donkey Kong Barrel Blast can't keep their momentum and slowly worsen as their run progresses.

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10 Best DC Comics Villain Debuts

DC's most notorious villains had to start off on the right foot, with amazing comic debuts to help cement themselves as threats for many years.

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