Gremlins is one of the most famous horror comedies of the mid-'80s. But it spawned a sequel in 1990, Gremlins 2: The New Batch, that is frequently overlooked. While a box office bomb on release, this sequel deserves a second look for being a worthy follow-up to the original film.

Gremlins 2 does not possess the recognition of the original but commands respect on its own merits. In many ways, it manages to retain some creative novelty for a sequel without feeling like a carbon copy. The film also contains numerous gags that make it a great satire of sequels and showcases Joe Dante with his most unrestrained artistic freedom.

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Gremlins 2 Avoids Being a Creative Repeat


Dante's wild follow-up manages to stick the landing because it is not a simple repeat of the first Gremlins. While it follows a similar premise in that Gremlins are let loose because of the broken rules, the circumstances and setting are completely different. The hapless Gizmo gets kidnapped by scheming scientists and experimented on in a media mogul's skyscraper, a far cry from the Christmas gift gone awry scenario of the first. That lends the film a big city feel that gives it a unique identity separate from the twisted Christmas story that was the original. The new environment also brings some new faces that freshen up the experience.

Gremlins 2 is memorable because the new setting also features several lively characters other than returning veterans Billy and Kate. The highlight is Donald Clamp, an eccentric tycoon with charm, played by John Glover. The Gremlins also have more unique members beyond the sophisticated lead Gremlin Brain, featuring uniquely designed critters such as the solitary Spider Gremlin and the token good Gremlin Greta. All these elements are sprinkled with enough ties with the first film that it avoids feeling like a repeat of the first film, something many franchise sequels fall victim to.

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Gremlins 2 Delivers Some High-Grade Satire


Another thing that makes Gremlins 2 noteworthy is how it satirizes several different targets, including sequels themselves. The film itself manages to make several jokes against its own existence. Among these bits is a moment where the original Gremlins is given a negative review by famed critic Leonard Maltin, who panned the original film. A fourth-wall-breaking moment is also featured when the film moves into an actual theater, and audience members criticize it as if it is making fun of its sheer existence as a sequel.

Beyond satirizing the idea of sequels, Gremlins 2 also satirizes the notion of escalation in sequels. Donald Clamp is a parody of '80s excess through figures such as Donald Trump, emphasized through his extravagant tower and obsession with silver. The satire is delivered in other ways, as the violence is now slapstick in nature, and the Gremlins border on being cartoon villains. That extends to a real-life level, as the film was made at five times the budget of the original. All these elements combine to make the Gremlins 2 a straight-up parody of the original and the idea that bigger is better, leading to a volatile cocktail of chaos.

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Gremlins 2 Shows Joe Dante at His Most Unrestrained

Doctor Gremlin Operates On Billy In Gremlins 2 The New Batch

However, the best thing about Gremlins 2 is that the film showcases Dante's artistic ambitions at their most unrestrained. Unusual for a sequel, Dante was granted full creative control. That allowed for the movie to feature unrestrained chaos and manage the rare feat of a director being able to fulfill their creative vision. Consequently, Gremlins 2 is an artistically satisfying movie for being an unfiltered production that avoided major studio interference. Sequels do not always have to be mere copies of their predecessors for cash, and Gremlins 2 demonstrates that by being an unapologetic bundle of chaos made with passion.