Ian Fortey

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16 Superpowers That Would Turn Anyone Into A Villain

Fans have seen more than one powerset tempt even heroes like Superman into villainy. Even powers like invisibility can corrupt the kindest heroes.

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A Controversial X-Men Leader Just Crossed an UNTHINKABLE Line

In Marauders, a veteran X-Men leader just did something that blurs the line between heroism and villainy even more than they usually do.

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Thanos: Every Member of the Black Order Who's NOT in the MCU

The Black Order may have been Thanos' chief generals in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, but some of its members still aren't in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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X-Men: Do Mutants Have the Cure for Cancer?

In addition to curing fictional viruses, the X-Men may have the cure for cancer -- but they aren't likely to share it. Here's why.

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Star Wars: Indiana Jones & Han Solo Had a GUT-WRENCHING Crossover

In an infamous Star Wars Tales story, the first real meeting between Han Solo and Indianna Jones took a dark turn, especially for Chewbacca.

Fantastic Four: How Ultimate Marvel REALLY Unleashed Its Zombies

Ultimate Fantastic Four introduced Marvel Zombies. Here's what happened and who didn't make it out alive.

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20 Impossible Comic Book Fights (That Actually Happened)

Have you ever asked yourself who would win in a fight between two characters that have no business ever crossing paths? If so, we've got the answers!

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Well-Suited: The 20 Strongest Super Power Suits, Officially Ranked

The comics universe is up to its super helmets in super suits, but which are the best? CBR breaks down the most powerful power suits ever!