Nimona is far more than just the story of its titular character. At its core, the film is largely about Ballister Boldheart and the growth he goes through after being forced out of the world he's always known and embraced. A big part of that is the divide that grows between him and his love interest, Ambrosius Goldenloin, a champion of the realm who stands against him for much of the film's run-time even as he remains conflicted about him and their world.

Bringing the character to life is Eugene Lee Yang, who fully dove into the performance and was able to see his own life story reflected in the character's arc. During an interview with CBR ahead of Nimona's Jun. 30 release on Netflix, Eugene Lee Yang broke down how he saw his own experiences in the film's portrayal of Ambrosius Goldenloin, the romance between his character and Riz Ahmed's Ballister Boldheart, and the biggest surprise of delivering a vocal performance for the film.

RELATED: Nimona: Chloë Grace Moretz on the Character's Complexities & Her Favorite Transformations

CBR: Ambrosius Goldenloin is a fascinatingly complex character, and he's going through a lot in the film. There's so much internal conflict going on with the character. What excited you about getting to step into the role?

Eugene Lee Yang: I mean, like you said -- a lot of it. I am very familiar with the idea of internal conflict and strife. With Goldenloin, you see him go through that someone who's on the outside externally, sort of labeled a hero of this realm, a descendant of some grand icon. The pressures of that, going completely against the things he starts feeling and believing? It's something that I've experienced countless times in my life.

I think that's something that a lot of people can relate to. It was a huge part of what made, I think, my approach to the character, distinctly me. I'm really happy that I had the opportunity to be able to be opposite of someone like Riz, who's such a talented force of an actor. I'm blessed to have been given this opportunity.

Nimona Ambrosius Goldenloin 2

What surprised you the most stepping into Goldenloin's shoes?

You know, there's a lot of fighting; a lot of sword fighting. I got used to [putting in] lot of effort in the booth, which is where you pretend you're in hand-to-hand combat or that you're running through explosions. It was my favorite part, because you can act a fool -- and I'm very good at that. At the same time, I also really loved the tender moments. [At] its core, it's a tender relationship between him and Balister, and those were, I think, the scenes that really shine.

It really is such a sweet romance.

I really liked it!

Nimona releases on Netflix Jun. 30