the punisher


Split image of Punisher and Spider-Woman from Marvel Comics and Venom in the Sony movie 1
10 Best Venom Candidates Who Could Replace Eddie Brock

Plenty of Marvel characters have bonded with the Venom symbiote in the past, but only a select few would be worthy replacements for Eddie Brock.

Split image of Iron Fist from the comics, live-action Daredevil, and live-action Punisher 1
10 Best Daredevil Candidates Who Could Replace Matt Murdock

Matt Murdock made a name for himself as Daredevil. Should the Man Without Fear ever retire from that role, several Marvel heroes could take his place.

A split image of Daredevil (comics), the Punisher (Netflix series), and Iron Man (comics) 1
10 Best Punisher Candidates Who Could Replace Frank Castle

The Punisher is one of Marvel's most brutal and effective vigilantes. If Frank Castle retires, heroes like Elektra or Deadpool should take his place.

Marvel's Punisher and the Avengers Symbol 1
Marvel's Punisher Has Called Out the Avengers for Being Hypocrites- And He's Absolutely Right

As the latest Punisher series ends, Frank Castle goes to war with the Avengers and lashes out verbally at the double standards they try to hide.

Frank Castle Chained on The punisher #12 1
Punisher: Marvel Has Introduced New Heirs to the Legacy of Frank Castle

Frank Castle may have been nominally removed from the Marvel Universe, but his legacy will likely live on through two surprising characters.

split image: Sam Raimi Spider-Man 2, and Black Panther and Galactus from Silver Age Marvel comics 1
10 Marvel Characters Who Broke The Mold

Marvel Comics dominated the superhero genre after introducing characters like the relatable Spider-Man and the cosmic Galactus who broke the mold.

The Punisher Frank Castle Chained 1
Marvel Has Given the Punisher an All New War to Fight - Again

The Punisher's new direction could give Frank Castle a new mission going forward and help reinvent the character once again.

Frank Castle in chains on the cover of Punisher #12 (2023). 1
Marvel Confirms 'The Punisher Is No More'

The final issue of Punisher by writer Jason Aaron, artists Jesús Saíz and Paul Azaceta reveals the ultimate fate of the titular Marvel antihero.

The Punisher #12 Header 1
Punisher: An Unexpected MCU Hero Believes Frank Castle Can Still be Redeemed

The Punisher's relationship with a surprising Marvel hero teases that Frank Castle could still someday find redemption.

Frank Castle holds his wife, Maria, on the cover of Punisher #10 (2023). 1
Punisher: Frank Castle’s Wife Is Hiding a MAJOR Secret

Following her revival and time spent with her husband, the Punisher, Maria Castle sets off on a new path in the Marvel Universe with a big secret.

Thomas Jane as Frank Castle next to some large bullet holes in 2004's The Punisher. 1
The Punisher 2004 Is Both a Good and Bad Comic Book Adaptation

The 2004 version of The Punisher wasn't a great adaptation by any means, but some elements drew from one of Frank Castle's best stories.

A shot of the Punisher's logo on a flak vest bathed in War Zone 1
Ray Stevenson Was the Best Punisher in Marvel's Most Underrated Movie

As the world mourns the great Ray Stevenson, it's worth paying tribute to his time as Frank Castle in the underrated Marvel movie Punisher: War Zone.

Ultimate Captain America salutes the president and Dark Phoenix unleashes her power 1
10 Iconic Marvel Comics That Don't Hold Up Today

These beloved Marvel comics either changed the Marvel Universe or accelerated character growth, but the stories themselves just don't hold up today.

Split image of Punisher shooting Daredevil in Child's Play and fighting in The Red Fist Saga. 1
10 Best Daredevil & Punisher Comics

Daredevil and the Punisher have famously butted heads and teamed up across mediums, and these are their best crossovers in Marvel Comics.

Split image: The Thing and Spinneret in Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Heroes Who Became Better Without Powers

Some Marvel Comics heroes were actually burdened by their powers and grew as characters without tragic or world-breaking superpowers.

Comic art from the 1989 Punisher Movie Special and the Punisher as seen in the 1989 film The Punisher 1
The Punisher's First Movie Adaptation Was Better Than the Film

Marvel's comic book adaptation of the Punisher's first movie was in many ways much better than the actual film.

The Scarlet Witch and the Punisher from Marvel Comics 1
10 Marvel Comics Power Creeps That Make No Sense

Marvel Comics characters like Scarlet Witch experienced bad power creeps that made no sense, earning new abilities that didn't improve their stories.

Punisher's Frank Castle and his wife 1
Frank Castle Was Always Destined to Become the Punisher - And His Dead Wife Knows it

Punisher #11 reveals that Frank Castle's descent into a violent, gun-toting vigilante was his destiny - and even his wife knew it.

Moon Knight, Punisher, Ben Reilly Dark web 1
Why Do Marvel Street-Level Heroes Keep Turning to Villainy?

Marvel street-level heroes have always sought justice by way of their fists, but lately more of them have taken on villainous roles.

Frank Castle Punisher Swinging Katana 1
The Punisher Debuts a Hellish New Weapon to Destroy the Avengers

The Punisher now has superpowers thanks to The Hand, and one of them allows him to conjure a weapon helping him fight the Avengers.
