Professor X may have founded a safe haven for the X-Men, but he's accidentally caused the fall of Krakoa. Since Xavier teamed up with Magneto and Moira MacTaggert to create a mutant nation-state, he has proudly been at the height of his power. Thanks to his efforts, mutants have international amnesty, resurrection, and the ability to travel anywhere in the galaxy in the blink of an eye. It's a golden age for mutants. Countless long-dead characters — including Shinobi Shaw, Thunderbird, and Pyro — have returned from the dead and changed the world.

As a member of the Quiet Council, Professor X has been at the heart of it all. He helped to found Krakoa and has been instrumental in ensuring the safety of the nation's mutants. He has been using the past few years as a chance to stretch his diplomatic wings. Along the way, Xavier has earned the respect of both Earth's government and that of galactic empires. With newfound fame and honor adorning his name, Professor X has become a worldwide phenomenon. In many ways, he finally achieved some semblance of his dream. Unfortunately, Xavier's actions have directly contributed to Krakoa's upcoming event: Fall of X.

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The Fall Of Krakoa's Quiet Council

The Krakoan Quiet Council argues in Immortal X-Men

When Krakoa was first coming together, there were thousands of mutants who could've easily earned a seat on the Quiet Council. Cyclops, Wolverine, and Cable were just some of many characters with years of experience leading the X-Men. Professor X elected to overlook them all in favor of inviting long-time villains into Krakoa's government. Mystique, Exodus, Mister Sinister, Apocalypse, Sebastian Shaw, and Magneto all took their seats beside loyal X-Men like Jean Grey and Nightcrawler. The Krakoan experiment successfully reformed some of those villains, including Apocalypse and Exodus. Yet some tigers couldn't change their stripes. Mystique remained loyal to her wife, while Shaw and Sinister retained an interest in personal profit.

The infighting in the Quiet Council has already putting the Marvel universe at risk. Immortal X-Men #11 (created by Kieron Gillen, Lucas Werneck, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles) revealed that Shaw is now in league with the up-and-coming X-Men villain Mother Righteous. At the same time, Colossus has been under the control of Mikhail Rasputin and is quietly working to undermine the entire Krakoan government. Too proud to ponder his friend's true loyalty, Xavier failed to notice Colossus' duplicitous nature. Of course, none of these characters posed as much damage to Krakoa as Mister Sinister did. Though Moira warned Xavier about Sinister's malevolent motives in Powers of X #6 (created by Jonathan Hickman, R.B. Silva, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia, David Curiel, and Clayton Cowles), he ignored her advice. Professor X ignored the fact that Sinister had previously been a long-time enemy of the X-Men. He even ignored the fact that Sinister's chimera experiments eventually destroyed Moira's previous Krakoa. In the process, Professor X put the entire nation in grave danger.

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As a hero, Xavier has never truly been able to look out for the X-Men's best interest. His arrogance led him to believe he could control Sinister even after Magneto's abdication. Xavier even tried to push beyond Magneto's recent tragic death in X-Men Red #6 (created by Al Ewing, Stefano Caselli, Federico Blee, and VC's Ariana Maher) and A.X.E.: Judgment Day #4 (created by Kieron Gillen, Valerio Schiti, Marte Gracia, and VC's Clayton Cowles). In the process, Professor X gave Sinister the exact window of opportunity that he needed to take over the Quiet Council and conquer the world. Now, even after the Sins of Sinister world was reverted, the threat of its memory hangs over Krakoa. Colossus is ready to release the details of Sinister's actions to the world, and the Quiet Council can't stop him. Public perception of Krakoa may soon be lower than ever.

The House That Xavier Broke

Storm resists Charles Xavier's mental attack in X-Men Red #11 by Marvel Comics

The makeup of the Quiet Council wasn't Xavier's only mistake. Once, Professor X dreamed of a world where the X-Men and the humans could live in peace. But he may have been risking the future of Krakoa from the beginning. Instead of participating in a press briefing, Xavier forced his message into the minds of every living person on Earth. He threatened humanity and made it clear that mutants held all the cards. Then he made the Krakoan experiment transactional by offering mutant drugs only if human states recognized Krakoa. In the short term, it was a clever play that ensured Krakoa's place in global politics. In the long term, it has become a serious problem. After all, a telepath using his powers to communicate with everyone in the world means that he could also theoretically control them all. Orchis has been working to spread negative messages about Krakoa, and Xavier gave them every tool they could possibly need. All that they have to do is point to Xavier's message, and humanity will be afraid.

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Krakoa's mutant drugs themselves have also become a serious problem. After all, Professor X has ensured that the world is flush with Krakoan flowers that are treating all sorts of illnesses and extending human lifespans by five years. Unfortunately, Krakoan medicine is dangerous. Sinister recently uncovered ways to force X-genes into humanity through the drugs, creating a new race of artificial mutants. Orchis has also been working to poison the flowers. M.O.D.O.K. is planning to turn the drugs into a tool that can make humans turn completely berserk. That particular experiment is almost ready, as Omega Sentinel hinted at in X-Men #22 (created by Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara, Marte Gracia, and VC's Clayton Cowles). If it works, Xavier's flowers will turn from miracle to monstrosity.

Professor X may have meant well, but his plan for Krakoa has some inherent flaws. His recent arguments with Storm in Immortal X-Men #11 and X-Men Red #11 (created by Al Ewing, Stefano Caselli, Jacopo Camagni, Federico Blee, and Ariana Maher) have made it apparent that even Professor X recognizes his mistakes. His arrogance has led him to reject his friends' good advice for too long. After he drove Jean Grey and Cyclops away when they sought to restart the X-Men, Xavier doesn't have anyone left to steer him forward. To replace them, he has surrounded himself with enemies. Professor has even been turning friends into enemies. After all, by giving Mystique the position she needed to resurrect Destiny, Xavier drove Moira right into Orchis' arms. That alone is an alarming threat to the ever-more vulnerable Krakoa.

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The last loyal founder of Krakoa has been trusting proven villains, alienating friends, and not taking adequate care to ensure the safety of Krakoa's inventions. Professor X put his faith in Sinister, Shaw, Moira, and Colossus. Now, every single one of them is working against him. With no way to influence the Quiet Council since losing his vote, Xavier is no longer helpful. Krakoa is finally starting to crumble, and it's Professor X's own fault. As he sits on the sidelines and watches Krakoa fall, Xavier will have the chance to reflect on his mistakes. Whatever he uncovers in Fall of X could change the fate of mutantkind forever.