Games have a harder time aging gracefully than books or films. While there are several classic works in multiple mediums that more modern consumers can enjoy, hardware limitations and outdated mechanics can really take the shine out of certain classics. Arguably, no generation has aged more poorly than the fifth generation of video game consoles.

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Make no mistake: at the time of their initial release, these original PlayStation titles deserved every bit of praise and adulation they received. However, with the shifting sands of time and gaming hardware advancements, these titles' flaws become harder and harder to overlook.

10 Syphon Filter Has Lost Its Appeal

Gabe Logan fights enemies in Syphon Filter

Releasing shortly after Metal Gear Solid, Eidetic's espionage thriller, Syphon Filter, managed to hold its own against Hideo Kojima's efforts, and redeemed the company for the dumpster fire that was Bubsy 3D. Unfortunately, playing it today only serves as a painful reminder of how clunky their shooting mechanics were.

This is yet another one of those titles that incorporated the much-maligned tank controls and where L1 and R1 act as dedicated strafing buttons. Unfortunately, the vocal work also pales compared to Konami's title, which isn't great for a narrative-heavy game like this.

9 Tekken Falls Short Of The Championship Belt

Namco's 3D fighter was a substantial step up from Sega's Virtua Fighter series. Its clever control scheme, more accessible nature, and refined combat mechanics set a new standard in the genre. Its sequels would see further refinements in the formula to secure the franchise's spot as the king of polygonal fighters.

While these later efforts are still worth a look, their humble beginnings prove to be a bit too punch-drunk. The series had yet to jettison the moon physics and cheap AI found in its contemporaries, while the ending cinematics failed to bring any meaningful resolutions to the combatants.

8 The Original Resident Evil Is More Itchy Than Tasty

Master Of Unlocking cutscene in Resident Evil on the PS1

One of the games that helped popularize the survival horror genre, Shinji Mikami's Resident Evil was a landmark title that fulfilled the promises found in the first Alone in the Dark. Unfortunately, it's been outclassed by more sophisticated horror titles. While the Spencer Mansion sports a suitably dreadful atmosphere, it's hard to call the game scary with a straight face.

The unintentionally funny vocal performances, blocky character models, and cheesy script diminish much of the game's intended horror. At the time, its use of pre-rendered environments and tank controls were pragmatic workarounds for the hardware's low polygon count, but they've aged woefully.

7 Rayman Is Gorgeous, But Frustrating

Rayman PS1 Rayman In Bandland With Musical Themed Environments And Obstacles

But While the original Rayman is still a visual splendor, its grueling challenge detracts much of the game's fun. The controls just aren't responsive enough to accommodate the multitude of challenges that the designers throw at players. Additionally, while later installments would give players little tells to aid with the discovery of secrets, this one makes them arbitrarily invisible.

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This is particularly frustrating since saving all the electoons is the only way to get the true ending. Throw in a lives system and limited continues, and players may find themselves giving up long before they reach Mr. Dark. Michel Ancel's team simply asked too much of the limbless hero.

6 Tomb Raider Belongs In A Museum

Lara Croft explores ruins in Tomb Raider

At the time of release, Core Design's globe-trotting adventure was regarded as a natural progression of the cinematic platformer genre that began with Prince of Persia. Ironically, Ms. Croft would be outdone by the Arabian monarch's more polished efforts many years later.

The PlayStation Tomb Raider titles are relics, thanks to finicky controls, trial-and-error design, and lousy camera angles. It may warrant a look just to see the growing pains that led to titles such as Sands of Time or Uncharted, but fans of Lara are better off checking out her more refined entries.

5 Silent Hill's Gameplay Doesn't Hold Up As Well As Its Scares

Harry Mason running through the foggy streets of Silent Hill game

Unlike many other PS1 horror titles which tried desperately to ape Resident Evil, Konami's foray into the genre went for a more psychological approach inspired by the writings of Jung and Freud. Silent Hill is one of the few titles of this era that retains its scare factor due to the developers turning the hardware's defects into virtues.

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Unfortunately, while the game still manages to deliver the scares, it underwhelms in the gameplay department. The decision to put players in control of an uncoordinated Everyman was better executed in later installments, as this title puts too much emphasis on combat.

4 Parappa the Rapper Is Unlikely To Get A Better Tomorrow

parappa-the-rapper-remaster-on-ps4 Cropped

Masaya Matsuura's unconventional title helped form the blueprint for a brand-new genre and provided Sony with another iconic face for the PlayStation brand. Parappa the Rapper tasked players with helping the eponymous pup with his everyday problems by pressing the buttons to the rhythm of the songs.

While the characters, world, and soundtrack remain as charming as ever, there's no denying that Parappa the Rapper is lacking when it comes to content and sports limited lasting appeal. Follow-ups such as Um Jammer Lammy and Parappa 2 would attempt to refine the formula, but the franchise would become eclipsed by more contemporary efforts such as Guitar Hero.

3 MediEvil Is As Uncoordinated As Its Hero

With a suitably gothic atmosphere juxtaposed with a delightfully madcap sense of humor, Sony Cambridge's MediEvil provided a wonderful mix of platforming, puzzle solving, and combat upon its initial release. Unfortunately, while some elements still stand the test of time, others have aged, as well as the decomposed hero himself. Nevertheless, Sir Daniel Fortesque is still a convincing underdog who players will want to see redeemed.

However, the clunky combat, uncooperative camera, and lack of any checkpoints make it hard for players to see this character's arc through to the end. Later versions on the PSP and PlayStation 4 attempted to address most of these issues.

2 Loading Times Drain Legacy of Kain Blood Omen Of Its Vitality

Blood Omen Legacy of Kain Menu

Kain is still an effective anti-hero whose Machiavellian manipulations and haughty demeanor compel players to see what line he'll cross next. He starkly contrasts the brooding sour pusses that typically lead these kinds of titles. Unfortunately, the game's numerous load times and dubious design choices drain this title of its vitality. Kain's attacks are slow and lethargic, often leaving him susceptible to numerous cheap hits.

Players must also sit through a loading screen to switch through their weapons. Unfortunately, this kills the pace because many areas require different tools to progress, such as the trees that can only be cut down with axes.

1 The Original Twisted Metal Belongs In The Scrap Heap

Causing mayhem and destruction in Twisted Metal PS1

The first title became a sleeper hit, paving the way for a franchise that would continue to the PlayStation 3 era. While there is some fun to be had from the first sequel and the PlayStation 2 titles, the first game is really hard to go back to with its clunky controls and wonky physics.

Additionally, the trademark ending cinematics which depict the contestants getting their wish granted or receiving their Karmic outcomes, are nowhere to be found in this installment. Instead, victorious players are rewarded with mere text descriptions of their character's fates as their vehicle speeds off into the L.A. streets.

Next: 10 PlayStation Games That Are Worse When You're An Adult