The best video games have a hook that defines their identity, and with many single-player games, that comes from engaging storytelling. The best narratives in any medium form strong attachments between players and the characters. Killing off some of the latter creates some incredibly emotional and heartbreaking moments.

The most emotional deaths in video games leave a long-lasting impression that, in some cases, outlives the game's own reputation. Shock factor can elevate the impact of these deaths. The perfect recipients for this kind of reaction are kind and innocent characters, or those who previously seemed untouchable. These emotional deaths can inspire or ruin their loved ones within the games, but players and fans will be left reeling, regardless.

This article contains gameplay clips for various video games. Some clips feature violent deaths, including from a first-person perspective.

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10 Ezio's Family (Assassin's Creed 2)

Assassin's Creed 2 will always be a fan-favorite game, reminding fans of a time when assassin stealth and trickery were front and center within the franchise. While Ezio's adventures were quintessential Assassin's Creed, there is still plenty of storytelling brilliance. Additionally, core emotional beats shape Ezio's traumatic past and path forward.

Ezio has to cope with the loss of his family, after his father and his two brothers are wrongly accused of treason and executed. It is a classic case of a tragic backstory to fuel a protagonist's actions, but is especially impactful when looking back on this game and how Ezio processes his loss.

9 Naia (Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons)

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a highly rated indie game from 2013, which remains an important example of unique game design. Brothers is remembered mostly for its gameplay of controlling both brothers simultaneously, but it still produces some incredible moments of storytelling.

Naia dying and Naiee's futile attempts to save his older brother is a heartbreaking sequence to watch, and is not hampered in the slightest by the graphics. While it's often heartbreaking to witness the protagonist get killed off, Brothers executes this raw emotion seamlessly.

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8 Vesemir (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Through every instance of The Witcher, Vesemir has been portrayed as a father figure to the other characters, but mainly to Geralt. In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt especially, Vesemir accompanies Geralt on many of his travels, providing counsel and help. It is fitting, therefore, that Vesemir gives his life to protect Ciri, who he's cared for and taught over the years.

Imlerith of the Wild Hunt kills Vesemir by snapping his neck in a brutal fashion, using his show of strength to taunt Ciri. Vesemir's valiant and heroic death is a crushing blow to everyone's morale, but serves as the catalyst to unleash Ciri's fury on the Wild Hunt one more time.

7 Ghost & Roach (Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

Call of Duty campaigns are often overshadowed by emotional storylines of other franchises. However, the original Modern Warfare trilogy will always have some of the most impactful moments and deaths in video game history. Soap's demise in Modern Warfare 3 is heart-wrenching, yet it doesn't beat the sadness that comes with a pivotal death in Modern Warfare 2.

When General Shepherd betrays the heroes, shooting Ghost and the player (Roach), players are left shocked and devastated. The emotional musical accompaniment doesn't help, nor does Soap and Price shouting on the radio, warning the player not to trust Shepherd.

6 Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)

Red Dead Redemption will always be remembered as the best open-world western series to deliver exceptional storytelling. The original game certainly did that, but the prequel Red Dead Redemption 2 took things to a whole other level. Both main protagonists die in their respective games, but while John Marston's noble sacrifice is sad, Arthur Morgan's demise is heart-wrenching.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur persists as the badass outlaw, even after he contracts tuberculosis. This eats away at him throughout the final portion of the game, and it makes him believe his life dispensable. Sacrificing himself to save John, Arthur just doesn't have enough to best Micah and Dutch — making his death devastating.

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5 Dominic Santiago (Gears Of War 3)

There are few songs sadder or more impactful than "Mad World," no matter which version or cover. When that track accompanies a death scene in any media, audiences know the scene is about to leave a lasting impact. That is exactly what Dominic Santiago's death did to Gears of War players in the third game.

In Gears of War 3, Dom sacrifices himself by driving a truck into a fuel tanker in order to destroy all the Locust and Lambent, saving his friends and COG allies. Marcus' reaction and general helplessness are heartbreaking to watch, in what is the franchise's saddest moment. The series has moved on since Dom's death, but Gears of War in its prime will always be remembered for Marcus and Dom leading the line, together.

4 Aunt May (Marvel's Spider-Man)

Peter Parker has had to endure countless deaths to friends and family across all adaptations of Spider-Man, but the death of Aunt May in Marvel's Spider-Man is the most emotional. Parker has to make the classic choice between saving one person, or many. He has one antiserum that can either cure Aunt May, or be used to produce a wider cure and stop the Devil's Breath plague.

As Aunt May lies there in a hospital bed, close to death, she tells Spider-Man to remove his mask, revealing that she has known his identity for some time. It is a touching sentiment for Peter to know that May is proud of him, but this does little to soften the blow of her death. Loss is an inevitability in Spider-Man's life, but May's demise was especially emotional.

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3 Joel Miller (The Last Of Us Part II)

The Last of Us is best described as horror meets tragedy, and therefore has plenty of emotionally devastating moments. Across the games and the HBO series, The Last of Us explores the survivability of humanity through harrowing scenarios and moral dilemmas, to the point where every major death is extremely impactful. Sarah's death is heartbreaking, as is Tess', but Joel's demise in The Last of Us Part II arguably hits the hardest.

Players became attached to Joel through The Last of Us, laughing and crying alongside him and Ellie. With Joel and Ellie falling out in the sequel, and Joel beginning to show his age, players sympathize with Joel right up until his shocking death. The fact Abby becomes a second playable character after killing Joel has made the second game controversial. The emotion surrounding Joel's death will always cloud the game's cinematic and emotional mastery, a testament to how much impact this one moment had on an entire franchise.

2 Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)

Aerith's death in the original Final Fantasy VII will stay with fans forever. Aerith was such a sweet and innocent character. When Sephiroth shocked the world by outright killing her, players shared Cloud's rage and thirst for vengeance.

However, the 2020 remake of Final Fantasy VII completely reimagined the original. Cloud instead sees visions of Aerith's demise, but through tussles with fate, her dying again in Part 2 isn't guaranteed. Yet still, sadness juxtaposes Aerith's sweet nature whenever she appears, leading players and fans to assume the worst for her once again.

1 Lee Everett (The Walking Dead)

There has always been a sense of dread that looms when players become attached to characters in The Walking Dead, due to the bleak nature of the world and the presence of zombies, or "walkers." This is even more applicable to Telltale Games' The Walking Dead, where players follow Lee Everett as he finds and cares for a little girl named Clementine.

Telltale Games are known for creating immersive experiences that hinge on player choices. In The Walking Dead, these choices ultimately construct Lee and Clementine's relationship. Lee eventually becomes infected and presents Clementine with an impossible choice regarding how he dies. For those who have focused on creating a close bond between the two, this choice and the death are heartbreaking because Clementine is once again left alone.

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