Nicholas Cage fans speculated the actor's meeting with the beloved video game developer Hideo Kojima teased a cameo for the upcoming Death Stranding 2.

Fans were surprised when Kojima posted an update on his official Twitter, showcasing Cage and Kojima posing alongside a Kojima Productions' Lumens mascot statue. Kojima also shared more photos of the actor on his Instagram. Cage expressed his gratitude for the guided tour of Kojima Productions by writing a personal message on the studio's wall. "To Hideo and the team," Cage's message reads. "Thank you for an incredible tour!"

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Nicholas Cage in Death Stranding 2

Cage's visit prompted fans on social media to speculate on whether Kojima intended to give the actor a cameo role in Kojima Productions' upcoming Death Stranding 2. Several users claimed Cage would be a perfect addition to the preppers, an in-game group of people who willingly isolated themselves in sealed bunkers throughout the ruins of the United States. Other users believed Cage deserved a central role in the sequel, with some commenters advocating for his casting as the main antagonist of the game's narrative. Some users also believed Cage fit into a supporting role, with one fan uploading illustrations depicting the actor dressed in the gear of Death Stranding's porters.

At the time of writing, neither Kojima nor Cage have confirmed whether the beloved Hollywood legend will appear in Kojima Productions' next big project. However, it wouldn't be the first time a big-name actor popped up in Kojima's games. In line with Kojima's reputation as an avid movie buff, the original Death Stranding featured cameos from several major stars, such as late-night host Conan O'Brien, director Guillermo del Toro and filmmaker Edgar Wright. Kojima also confirmed actor Elle Fanning will be making her video game debut with Death Stranding 2, though the exact nature of her role remains a closely guarded secret.

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Hideo Kojima's Mads Max

Kojima additionally previously revealed he wanted to pursue a new project with actor Mads Mikkelsen and had discussed the matter with the Casino Royale star. "I have a number of ideas that I want to create with Mads as the main character," Kojima explained. "I once explained one of them to Mads. He listened intently but when I told him the title, he broke his face. He seemed to think I was joking. I was serious, though. The tentative title was MADS MAX."

Death Stranding 2 is scheduled for release on PlayStation 5.

Source: Twitter